Friday, November 02, 2007

FREEBIE was Emailed to you!!!

YEAH! Happy Digital Scrapbook Day Everyone!!!!!

Everyone that was suscribed to my feedblitz (see sidebar) as of a few minutes ago was emailed the freebie kit - A Trick or Treat Tale! And guess what? No bounce backs! So everyone, check your email. And have a great time with this kit.

PLEASE DO NOT be a pirate and forward or copy the links to others. These were created especially for YOU as a Thank you and should not be distributed. I can't tell you how many times I've seen posts at DST or email threads or forum threads about frustrated designers who stopped RAKing or stopped doing freebies because links were being distributed. It is very frustrating for a designer.

I hope you enjoy the kit!!!

Did you miss it? If you did, it will be available in my store later this week. And guess what? There will be a coordinating freebie here on my blog in the next couple of day that coordinates with A Trick or Treat Tale! If you are subscribed to my feedblitz, you'll get an email notification of it. If you aren't subscribed, check back!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

darn I missed it :( Looks like a great kit:) regards

8:27 AM  

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